The Sibshop Facilitator Forum
Sibshop Facilitators are our heroes. The dedicated professionals, adult siblings, parents, and others who serve as facilitators bring Sibshops to life every day, in every state across the U.S. and in countries around the world.
As the heart and soul of Sibshops, facilitators comprise a special community of individuals who are dedicated to supporting young brothers and sisters with enthusiasm, insight, resourcefulness, humor, and fun.
The Sibshop Facilitator Forum is an important source of inspiration, support, and camaraderie for facilitators. This closed Facebook group is just for people who are currently facilitating Sibshops. Joining is a requirement of launching a Sibshops, and we ask that at least one person from every Sibshop team joins the group and benefit from exchanging activity ideas, anecdotes, support and advice.
“Every time we complete a Sibshop series, kids and their parents are asked to fill out the Sibshop Surveys. When asked ‘How can we make these Sibshops better?,’ one child wrote, ‘Can’t. It’s already too good to be true.’ This has to be one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever done.”